The content of this communication, as well as the one of the attached information, is confidential.
If you are not the intended recipient, any modification, dissemination or any other use of this information is prohibited, unless expressly authorized by the sender. If you receive this e-mail by mistake, please, delete it from any computer without copying or disclosing it and advise the sender.
In compliance with the Organic Law 15/1999, on the Protection of Personal Data, and the Spanish Royal Decree 1720/2007 that develops the former law, we inform you that your data has been incorporated to an automated file with the purpose of maintaining a suitable business relationship, and also providing and offering our services.
Your data will be treated confidentially and used only internally for the above-mentioned purposes. Therefore, we will not be providing any third party with your data, except in those cases where there is a legal obligation, or when the USER specifically authorizes us to do so.
You can exercise your rights and access, modify or cancel your data as per the terms legally established, via e-mail at or sending a letter to the data controller (including a copy of your Identity Card):
Deltacargo, S.L.U.
Centro de Negocios Quercus IP
Rúa Letonia, nº 2 – Local AB -2.1
15707 Santiago de Compostela
A Coruña – España